You already know it. That annoying dent in your bumper after grocery shopping.
That dent you have to report to your insurance. Scheduling an appointment with a bodyshop. Kids needs to be looked after or you have to get time off work. And as always it ends up with you turning you car in and you’ll first see it several days later.
Yea, a lot of us has been there. Carbucks has invented a more environmentally friendly and way faster method. Now you can (if you are a TopDanmark costumer) get it fixed in just two hours. Maybe while you are shopping for groceries 😉.
We’ve helped Carbucks with the beginning of a visual identity, a few visualizations of their bodyshops and a microsite to quickly get started. The logo looks like this:

Looks like something you’d like?
Get ahold of René here and have a chat about, how we can help you.
He’s available on 61 10 29 10 or

René Albertsen
Digital Creative