More than 6000 users use .legal products to keep track of GDPR and contract management. Products that lightens the workload and automizes time consuming tasks.
Our job fortunately wasn’t keeping track of GDPR but rather design and develop .legals new website, that showcases the advantages and convenience that .legals products gives their customers.
It is done by putting people first. On the website you are met by humans as quickly as their products. And on every product page you meet people either explaining the advantages of the product or as an integral part of the graphics, and this creates a stronger feeling of security.

Sometimes the written word isn’t enough and you need another way to explain yourself. That’s why we have made an explainer video for .legal, where we take a deep dive into their most important product, Privacy, in a way that is more engaging than text. In the video people are again in focus. People buy from people.
The .legal website is built on HubSpot CMS and because of that, they get the advantages of using HubSpots CRM.
In HubSpot the editor can easily create content for their website. And they get to keep their creativity by using elements, that are flexible and developed with options of customization. At the same time they can use HubSpots CRM to collect leads for their sales department. This makes for better business.

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René Albertsen
Digital Creative